In today’s knowledge on economy, firm performance and competitive advantage are derived more from what a firm knows and the human capital that permits the firm to use what it knows. Thus human capital has been identified as one of the most critical agents of SMEs performance while human capital development has been recognized as one of the most vital tools for improving SMEs performance. This research therefore offers a field of insight into the relationship between human capital development and SMEs performance in illorin through a survey of randomly selected SMEs operating in illorin metropolis. This research therefore recommends that SMEs operators should actively promote participation in seminars, trade fairs, workshops and exhibition in order to acquire current knowledge that will positively impact on the performance of the SMEs and enhance their capacity for growth and survival.
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Background to the Study
Human economic development will greatly contribute to the promotion of people...
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ABSTRACT Shopping malls are fundamentally large complex buildings occupied by considerable numbers of the general public and shop staff. These buil...
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Background to the Study
An infection of any region of the urinary system is referred to as a urinary tr...
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